
Special shout out to the stepdads this Father’s Day

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My husband and I married when my daughter was 8 years old. He’s been her stepfather for 8+ years (long time readers may know that we like the term “bonus dad”), and we are so very lucky that he has been an amazing parent. From math homework to dance recitals, from the high highs and low lows of adolescence, he’s been front and center for all of it, loving her with his whole heart.

A new ad about stepfathers acknowledges the strong bonds kids have with their stepdads. We just watched it tonight, and it touched our hearts and made our eyes water.

It shows how stepparenting can be a tough job, one that requires patience, understanding, a sense of humor and, above all else, love. Stepparents make a tremendous impact in what is often a thankless job.

While the video features children asking stepparents to adopt them, that’s not an option for many kids. The way the kids talked about their stepdads made it clear that it was not DNA or a piece of paper that made these men dads. It was the love they showed, the sacrifices they made, and the choice to be present through thick and thin.

Parenting is about the many choices, big and small. And stepparents make a big one when they decide to be present for and love a child. My kiddo and I are lucky to have found a guy willing to do that and so much more, and we’re excited to celebrate him this Father’s Day.

Hope you have a great day celebrating the special men in your life, too. And for those for whom this day is difficult, know that you are seen and being sent thoughts of comfort and peace.








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