
How you can help Syrian refugee mamas and babies

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The images of the atrocities in Syria are haunting, and I’ve felt so incredibly helpless. My heart breaks for all whose lives have been upended, but especially for the children who have fled from Syria, the most vulnerable. As Mr. Rogers’ mom advised, I’ve been looking for the helpers. Thankfully, I found them when my friend Wendy reached out and told me about the #ParcelOfLove campaign by the Heroic Hearts Organization.

Credit: Heroic Hearts Organization

The Parcel of Love campaign aims to bring relief to 1,500 Syrian babies born into refugee camps. The goal is to provide those infants with baby formula, warm clothing and blankets, healthcare items, and a packable bassinet for the baby to sleep in.

These children deserve more, so very much more, but at a minimum they deserve a place to sleep and food to eat and ways to keep warm.

Here are some fast facts about Syrian refugees:

• Of the 4.8 million registered Syrian refugees, half are children;
• Over 60,000 babies have been born in exile;
• Refugees face extreme poverty, limited shelter, limited medical access, virtually no access to education, and children are showing symptoms of psychological strain from the traumas of witnessing war; and
• Some of the top worries of  mothers living in the refugee camps include the hardships of childbirth in such a setting, worries about what they’ll feed their newborn and the feeling of abandonment.

Those parents who are halfway around the world birthing and raising their babies in conditions that we shudder to imagine need our love and support and help.

Credit: Heroic Hearts Organization

The Heroic Hearts Organization is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, non-political organization, dedicated to bringing lasting and positive change to lives of the internally displaced or those suffering in war-ravaged communities. 100% of your donation will go directly to the cause without administrative overhead.

You can donate here.

Some package options include:

Bath Time – For $20, a family will receive bathing essentials including one hooded towel, five washcloths, and tear-free, baby-safe soap.

Baby Bassinet – For $35, a family will receive a packable baby box bassinet provides baby with a safe haven to sleep in with a warm and comfy blanket.

Clothing – For $60, you can keep a baby warm and clothed, with two long-sleeved sleepers, five bodysuits, two pairs of pants, two tee tops, two caps, two pairs of mittens, two pairs of socks, and four swaddling blankets.

Fully Equipped Baby Box – For $250, the Baby Box is a travel-ready bassinet where a baby can safely sleep, fully stocked with all necessities, including feeding, clothing, diapering, first aid, and bathing supplies.

Credit: Heroic Hearts Organization

There are additional packages available, too. However you can help will show the moms and dads in refugee camps that we stand with them during this incredibly difficult time.

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