
Teens from U.S. and France are fans of new Ant-man and the Wasp trailer

The Marvel Universe has a way of uniting people, which I’m pretty sure people know. But I was still pretty blown away to see that first-hand this afternoon in our house when we watched the latest trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp We are hosting Astrid, a lovely exchange student from France. While Astrid’s English […]

The best posts I’ve read lately about parenting teens

Here are four of the best posts I’ve read lately about raising teens. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, whatever you like and get comfy to read some of these pieces that I found to be helpful and insightful. Remember, you’re not alone when it comes to raising a teen to be a caring, confident, […]

Every Kid in a Park: A perfect way to show 4th graders our national parks

Calling all fourth graders and their families! Fourth graders can get free admission to all federal parks, lands and waters of the National Parks Service (NPS) through the Every Kid in a Park program, which is supported by the National Parks Foundation, the official charity of America’s national parks. And this week, National Parks Week, is […]

See the adorable trailer for Penguins by Disneynature (and meet my spirit animal)

Happy Earth Day! In honor of the occassion, Disneynature just released the very first trailer for its film, Penguins, which will waddle into theaters next year on Earth Day 2019. The trailer is both hilarious and heartwarming, and you can see all the penguin awesomeness here: I mean, really, how can you not be excited […]

How parents can help teens get enough sleep

Remember the days when you wished your kids would sleep better so they would be kinder, more reasonable human beings? Turns out those days keep popping up for parents. You’d think they’d have the sleep thing all figured out by the time they are adolescents, but it turns out that teens and sleep have a […]

10 simple tips to reduce food waste this Earth Day (and every day)

It happens in households across America on a daily basis. Someone opens the fridge, peers inside and declares there is absolutely nothing to eat. Not long after that, fruit that is far past its prime, something moldy and expired condiments end up dumped in the trash.  Americans throw away more than a third of our […]

Why Financial Literacy Month should matter to parents

April is Financial Literacy Month. Great, you think but why should Financial Literacy Month matter to parents? Because teaching key money principles is a responsibility that often falls primarily on parents. The Survey of States by the Council for Economic Education found that only 17 states (34% of states) require high school students to take a course […]

The library: Where your kids can expand their horizons and skills for free

Happy National Library Week! While I’m a fan of libraries and think they are pretty great places every week of the year, this year marks the 60th anniversary of National Library Week, which began in 1958. Libraries aren’t just places to borrow books or study, though they’re certainly good for both of those. They’re also creative […]

Check out the new trailer and poster for Solo: A Star Wars Story

“I’ve got a really good feeling about this.” – Han Solo That sums up exactly how I feel about the upcoming film after seeing the new trailer and poster for Solo: A Star Wars Story, after seeing the trailer and film (which includes that quote). I love stories, and I love how one story often leads to […]