
In defense of the parent portal

Many schools these days have a parent portal. It’s a the website that allows parents to stay up to date on their children’s assignments, attendance, grades and also stay abreast of other developments at school. Some parents, however, are not fans. In fact, many openly profess their hatred of the parent portal. Others are very […]

4 Things We Need to Teach Our Kids About Money

As parents of tweens and teen, we have many responsibilities and chief among them is preparing our kids to be independent in the (not so distant) future. A key part of living on their own successfully is knowing how to manage money. However, many young adults lack the financial acumen to support a healthy lifestyle. […]

Worries of Christmases past: What a mom misses and has learned

For moms, Christmas can be a lot. A lot of planning, a lot of shopping, a lot of baking/cleaning/wrapping/mailing/merry making and for many of us, a lot of worrying. At this time of year, a dozen or so years ago, I worried about the dreaded Santa ask switcheroo that preschoolers are known to pull at the last […]

8 Great YA books to give to teens this holiday season

I love giving books. They really are the gift that keeps on giving – a good story can stay with you a lifetime. For the past seventeen years, I’ve made sure there’s at least one book under the tree for my girl and this year will be no different. Here are some wonderful YA books […]

What parents need to know about teens and pot

Recreational marijuana became legal in Michigan last weekend and it will be legal in Illinois on January 1, 2020. The acceptance of cannabis use in more and more states means parents needs to be informed about pot use and their kids. Marijuana has been the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States by […]

Top gift ideas for teens & tweens

‘Tis the season to be merry, and to make people merry by giving them gifts they can use and enjoy. That’s a tall order with teens, but the North Pole elves and I wanted to offer some assistance. Here are some of the most popular Christmas presents for teens. This post contains some affiliate links, […]

12 Fun family games to play with teens and tweens

It’s a hectic time of year, but the schedule should calm down soon. I’m looking forward to some cozy family time, and hoping to have some game nights. Here are some fun family games to play with teens and teens. After I wrote this post about games, readers on the Between Us Parents Facebook Page offered up some of their family’s […]

What you should know in case Thanksgiving isn’t perfect

I should be starting the pumpkin pie right now, but it feels too weird. Thanksgiving isn’t for a few more days, but we’re celebrating today at my house. My head isn’t quite in the game, for a few reasons. My daughter will be with her dad on the actual Thanksgiving Day. My family is scattered […]