
10 Inspirational quotes from Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was born on July 24, 1897. She was the first woman and second person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and blazed trails both on the ground and in the sky for women. She was also an author and an activist. I was reminded of her awesomeness when I saw her plane […]

7 ways that a summer heat wave is like raising teenagers

It’s hot. Really, really hot, but I likely don’t have to tell you that. As many as 200 million Americans have been or soon will be sweating it out thanks to an oppressive heat wave. As I huddle in air conditioning and try to think only cool thoughts while rattling the ice cubes in my […]

Parents sharing custody of kids this summer – I see you

Parents who are sharing custody of their kids this summer – I see you. To the ones who are missing their kids because they are with their other parent, whether that’s across the country or across town, I know that you miss them. This tiny taste of what life will be like when they’re really […]

Is Toy Story 4 good for teens?

My teen has grown up with Buzz, Woody, and the Toy Story franchise. In fact, a stuffed Bullseye, the one toy she purchased at Disney World when she was 8, still resides in her bedroom. So it wasn’t exactly a shock when she reminded me this morning, “Toy Story 4 comes out today!” I had […]

Special shout out to the stepdads this Father’s Day

My husband and I married when my daughter was 8 years old. He’s been her stepfather for 8+ years (long time readers may know that we like the term “bonus dad”), and we are so very lucky that he has been an amazing parent. From math homework to dance recitals, from the high highs and […]

7 truths about traveling with teens that I learned at Eagle Ridge

Kids are always changing and growing, and I’ve finally realized that our vacation style will be continually evolving, too. Now that my daughter is sixteen, the amount of space available in her schedule is decreasing, whereas the size of her wardrobe that she packs and her desire for more personal space is increasing. This spring, […]

7 great graduation speeches of 2019

Graduation speeches can be wonderful and inspiring and important reminders about living your best life, even if you don’t have a mortar board and aren’t getting a diploma. I find the very best ones meet the three criteria Jim Valvano had for a really good day: it makes you laugh, think and cry. Robert F. […]

7 Summer driving safety tips for teens

Parents of teens worry. Parents of teen drivers worry even more, and with good reason. Car crashes are the leading cause of death of teens, according to the CDC. In 2016, more than 1,000 people died in car crashes involving teens between Memorial Day and Labor Day, according to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Fatal crashes […]

Why Aladdin is great for teens, and 9 conversation starters to use after the movie

The live action remake of Aladdin is good. Really good. It’s colorful, funny, full of heart, and somewhat different than the animated version. My whole family really enjoyed it, more than we anticipated. Here’s why we liked it and some of the conversation starters that are contained within the movie. Why Aladdin is great for […]