
A Gobblefunk Glossary to go with Disney’s The BFG

Table of Contents

Do you speak Gobblefunk? Gobblefunk is the language comprised of silly words that Roald Dahl created in his book The BFG to give the title character his unique voice.

You didn’t really think a giant who is 24-feet tall with enormous ears and a keen sense of smell talked like you, did you? Of course not! But we can talk like him! Check out this Gobblefunk Glossary.

Gobblefunk Glossary BFG
Chatbags – Chatterbox
Chidlers – Children
Delumtious – Delicious
Earbursting – Loud
Figglers – Fingers
Giggler – Little Girls
Golden Phizzwizard – A wonderful dream
Hioppodumplings – Hippopotamus
Human Beans – Human Beings
Humplehammers – Something that is very big
Jabbeling – Babbling
Jiggyraffes – Giraffes
Majester – Majesty
Murderful – Muerderous
Phizzwizards – Happy dreams
Rummytot – Nonsense
Rumpledumpus – Rumpus
Scrumdiddlyumptious – Scrumptious
Scuddling – Scurrying
Skumping – Worries
Sloshfunking – Like godforsaken
Snozzcumber – a grueseome vegetable only found in Giant Country
Splitzwiggled – Caught
Swalloped – Swallowed
Swigpill – Swill
Swizzfiggling – Deceiving
Telly-telly Bunkum Box – Television
Trogglehumper – A horrible nightmare
Whiffling – Going off to somewhere
Whizzpopper – Fart
Whopse – Adjuective similar to little, or trifling

Legendary director Steven Spielberg brings the classic book to the big screen and it arrives in theaters everywhere on July 1, 2016 – which is the 100th anniversary of Dahl’s birth. Gobbelfunk will also likely be spoken everywhere, too.

At first, filmmakers were hesitant that the language would be confusing, but actor Mark Rylance, who plays the BFG, quickly allayed their fears. “After hearing how Mark Rylance spoke it, we all wanted more,” says Executive producer Kathleen Kennedy.

“The BFG has words that he uses for certain things and he repeats them in his life,” Rylance explains.

Hear what it sounds like here:

You can bring more Gobblefunk into your life by following The BFG on Facebook, and slip in a few word into your everyday conversations – see if people notice, and let me know their reactions if they do!

TheBFGPosterMedia courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures. 

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