
Best kept secret at Midway Airport: The Yoga Room

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Airports can be hectic places and travel can be stressful. To combat that stress, I love the yoga room at Midway Airport in Chicago. It is perhaps the best kept secret in the airport, and worth checking out the next time you are on your way through MDW. (Yes, even if you don’t do yoga, you should pop in. I explain below.)



Where is it?

It is located in Concourse C. When you exit the security checkpoint, go right.

It’s off the beaten path, and I hadn’t come across it until recently. Concourse C has a whopping 3 gates, none of which are frequently used. A friend recommended it and I sought it out.

You’ll know you’re at the right spot when you see this:

Yoga Room at Midway Airport in Chicago

It’s right near the bathroom and if you get to the Mother’s Room, you’ve gone a little too far.

When is it open?

You can use the Yoga Room at Midway Airport between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. every day.

What’s in the Yoga Room at Midway?

The room isn’t overly large, but it’s big enough to do some asanas, escape some travel craziness, and find your zen. There is a lovely bamboo floor and two yoga mats that stay in the room as well as wipes that you can use on the mats. The mats are in okay shape – not brand new, but not bad.

Midway Airport Chicago (MDW) has a lovely Yoga Room

There’s also an area to hang coats, cubbies for shoes, and hand sanitizer. Mirrors line one wall so you can make sure your downward dog form is as it should be.

There’s a bench on the back wall. (I sat on it to take this photo.)

There’s a television mounted on the wall that just shows soothing images, such as a beach, a stream, and designs in sand. Zen music like what you would hear at the spa plays at a nice volume. Enough to drown out much of the airport noise, but it’s not too loud.

You won’t find accessories like straps or blocks or other items you may have at home or in your yoga studio.

What if I don’t do yoga?

Head on in anyway! Really. It’s a tranquil spot. You can just sit on the bench and take a few deep breaths.

I did use a mat and did some really gentle, simple poses like sun salutations, Warrior I, staff pose and child’s pose. (If you’re looking for beginner poses, you can find some here.) It’s been a few months since I’ve done yoga, and it was really lovely.

My daughter isn’t a yogi but I’m excited to check out this space with her next time we’re at Midway. I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t pop in here with little ones. Be respectful of others using the space, but I think it’s possible that you could have the room to yourself and it may be just the thing to help them relax, too.

Is it crowded?

The Yoga Room was not crowded when I was there. One other person entered quietly as I was leaving. The time I had to myself was ideal, and depending on your travel time, you may have it to yourself.

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